I wanted to let everyone know about this fabulous opportunity to get published in a Chicken Soup book -- you get to see your words in print AND pocket $200! Here's the announcement passed along to me from Christine, the book's editor:
Hello! Want an opportunity to make $200 and be published in a national best selling brand?
I am co-authoring Chicken Soup for the Twenty-Something Soul and this is an URGENT call out for stories, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A TWENTY-SOMETHING TO CONTRIBUTE!!
I am co-authoring Chicken Soup for the Twenty-Something Soul with Jack Canfield and Mark Hansen which is a very exciting project for me. In a time when people like Paris Hilton are representing twenty-something life, it is my mission to bring more real-life, inspirational and moving stories to twenty-something's! I am looking for stories about the twenty-something experience told from any perspective.
What does the story need to be about?
Any story about twenty-something life (career, relationships, family, money, life lessons, fate, travel, risks, acts of kindness, challenges, coincidences, tragedies, etc) is welcome. A Chicken Soup story will touch the souls of the readers and make them laugh, cry, sigh or just say, "Wow!" A story can be told from any angle: reflecting back on your own experience, being a part of someone else’s twenty-something experience, or sharing a story about how a twenty-something has impacted you. I KNOW you have a story in you!
What YOU will receive if your story is selected:
- $200
- A bio (if desired) giving you the opportunity to promote yourself, your business, a cause, etc. in a NATIONALLY BEST-SELLING BRAND.
- A free copy of the book, and 50% off the book for eternity.
- The opportunity to inspire and touch millions of people
It's that easy. You can also submit a story that has already been published elsewhere and/or can publish it in the future. Chicken Soup does NOT ask to own the rights to your story, but does require your permission.
Details on What to Do Next:
- Go to www.chickensoup.com and read the “Story Guidelines” which outlines the recipe for a winning Chicken Soup Story.
- Write your story – approximate word limit is 300-1200 words (but I'll edit it for you so don't worry about being exact or fabulously well-written!)
- Go to www.chickensoup.com, click on "Submit a Story" and be sure to select "Twenty Something" as the book title. Fill out the info and just paste your story in the appropriate box.
- Send me an email and let me know that you did this so I can thank you!
Due Date
I really need stories ASAP – July 6th is my first submission date so the sooner you submit your story, the better. Final submission date is August 15th.
Questions? Need more info?