Thursday, November 9, 2017

Guest Post: Boost Your Mood and Creativity with Travel

Boost Your Mood & Creativity With Travel

by Henry Moore

Your job performance requires you to think creatively, but lately, you’ve been finding that harder and harder. It’s not that you cannot do your job, but the stress is sapping your creativity and making things more difficult.

Rather than start searching for a new job, consider planning some travel. Heading out for even just a few days can recharge your spirit, boost your creativity, and improve your mental health. It can even help you stay healthy. Read on to learn why vacations can be so helpful.

(Image Source: Pixabay)

Mental Health Benefits Of Travel

Home is comfortable, and while that’s a great thing, it can also leave you feeling bored uninspired. That’s why people’s mood and creativity can decrease when you haven’t traveled in a long time.

The Chopra Center lists six reasons why travel is good for you:
1.     You tend to get exercise while traveling, and that’s great for your physical health. And when your body is healthy, your mood is better.
2.     Stimulation from traveling somewhere improves memory and concentration.
3.     Engaging new people and cultures boosts your creativity.
4.     A relaxing trip reduces your stress and decreases depression.
5.     Traveling broadens your perspectives, allowing you to find solutions you never thought about before.
6.     You can build relationships with the people that travel with you.

Another reason why taking a trip improves your mood and creativity is that you test your comfort zone. It’s easy to stick with repetitive routines at home. That’s fine, but in the long-run, you get stuck in a rut. Breaking that up by traveling pushes you into new territory (literally and figuratively)

Keeping Your Trip Relaxing

However, not all travel is equally beneficial. You’ve probably been on one that ended up stressful and taxing rather than relaxing and fun. That’s why you need to follow these tips for a good vacation:
      Instead of saving your vacation days for one big trip, space them out through the year so you have more to look forward to.
      Don’t create a complex plan. Explore your options, but be sure to schedule some downtime in your itinerary.
      If you’re traveling with family or friends, talk beforehand about guidelines and expectations so no one gets upset because they expected something different.
      Pick an underrated destination. Crowds and tourist traps can make your trip stressful, so pick a destination that doesn’t get the attention it deserves.

If you are in addiction recovery, you also need to worry about temptation and relapses when traveling. That said, you can definitely find a relaxing trip. Focus on places not known for alcohol or drugs (avoid spring break towns, for example) and go where there are fun but sober activities to explore.

Improve Your Creativity

A relaxing trip will definitely improve your mental health, but you also need to recharge your creativity on this trip. That’s part of why you’re heading out somewhere new. has a great page explaining how you can beat a creative block by traveling, such as:
      Bring along a few games, as playing can improve your memory and problem-solving abilities.
      Explore options to create something, even if it’s just sketching some cool place you find on your trip.
      Talk to people at your destination. You can boost your creativity by learning new perspectives.
      In those scheduled downtimes, take a moment to just daydream. Creativity can improve when you let your mind wander on its own.

Recharge With A Fun Trip

Traveling can do wonders for both your mood and your creativity. If you feel stuck in a rut, take a few days and travel somewhere new. After meeting new places, activities, and people, you’ll be surprised how you’ll be happier and able to think more creatively.

Henry is the co-creator of FitWellTraveler. The site blends two of his favorite subjects (travel and wellness) to provide readers with information about how to get the most out of both. He believes travel can change you, and good health preserves you.


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