J. Aday Kennedy was born and raised in McKinney, Texas. On and off as she grew up she lived in Northern California. Aday disliked school and quit in the eleventh grade. However, it did not take long to realize she needed an education. Aday had always been bored by her teachers. When she decided to complete her education she was determined to become a "different" kind of teacher that instructed, entertained and inspired.
In 1989, she moved to Walnut Creek, Ca. and started junior college. After three years she completed her general education credits and was admitted to the University of California at Davis. She earned her bachelors degree in twentieth century European history. After she attained her degree she returned to Texas and researched graduate schools to pursue a teaching credential.
Before she applied to graduate school, she caught spinal meningitis. Due to complications, Aday suffered a respiratory and cardiac arrest and stroke. She fell into a coma. Two hours after the doctors pronounced her brain dead she regained consciousness as a ventilator-dependent quadriplegic.
After several years of intense therapy she grew bored. She had recaptured partial use of her left arm and hand, but one day after another consumed with physical therapy left her unfulfilled. Her cognitive brain function had been unaffected by the stoke. It clamored to be used. Aday began speaking at seminars for registered respiratory therapists on spinal meningitis and patient advocacy. They opened the door to motivational and inspirational speaking engagements, but she wanted to do more.
She found writing classes on the internet. Her creative mind and love for children manifested in essays, articles and children's books. Three years and fifteen classes later she received a picture book contract. Aday had grown into "The Differently-Abled Writer" making her dreams come true a story at a time.
J. Aday was kind enough to answer some questions about her writing life and also share information about her new book,
Kluzty Kantor!
What is the best advice on writing you've ever received?When you have written something let it rest. Do not look at it for weeks before you begin the editing process. Then you can look at it with fresh eyes.
Tell us about your family.I have three older sisters. Their names are Tomorrow, Yestraday and Taday. Among them they have eleven children. I'm Aunt Squeaky to them and adore them all. I live with my mom, Lee Kennedy and my adopted father, Steve Kennedy. The thought of living with my mom and dad forever horrified me when I was younger, but they are my best friends. Age and circumstances supplied me with a new perspective.
Can you share the origins of your disabilities?In 1998, I caught bacterial pneumococcal spinal meningitis. It began with an earache. I visited two doctors. Neither diagnosed the disease. Within one week I was rushed to the emergency room; correctly diagnosed; suffered a respiratory arrest and brain stem stroke; descended into a coma; pronounced brain dead and regained consciousness a ventilator-dependent quadriplegic. It was a busy week.
Did you always want to be a writer?No. When I was a little girl I wanted to be Big Bird. I'm tall enough and my feet are big enough, but my beak and feathers never grew. When I got older I wanted to be a history teacher, but luckily I had a stroke and fell in love with and discovered a talent for writing.
Describe your working environment.I am blessed to have my house on 4.5 acres of land on a private lake in East Texas. I have only to look out the window to be inspired. I'm a legally blind ventilator-dependent quadriplegic. (It's a great excuse to stay in bed.) When I began to fall in love with where my computer could take me, I found a computer desk that slides over my bed at Ergoquest. I have my goals, inspirational sayings and Herb, my trusting writing bug, attached to the edges of my computer monitor.
Tell us about your children's books.I have six picture books under contract with Guardian Angel Publishing. They are a mixture of humorous fantasy and Christian stories. All include a teacher's guide, send a positive message and are geared to attract reluctant readers.
That is the perfect tie-in to your latest book, Klutzy Kantor! Here is more information for our readers:
Klutzy KantorAvailable for purchase online through
www.amazon.com and through local bookstores.
Paperback: 24 pages
Publisher: Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc (April 14, 2010)
ISBN-10: 978-1616330511
ISBN-13: 978-1616330514
Price: $10.95
Kantor, a young flying horse, wishes he wasn't so clumsy. The crone Agra tells him that the leprechaun Cobbledom McSweeney can grant that wish, but only if Kantor can answer his riddle challenge. His friends Rabbit, Fox and Bear help by quizzing him on riddles before the fateful day. Will Kantor solve the riddle and end his clumsy ways?
Children learn the benefit of practice and to focus on their strengths.
• Reluctant Reader Friendly
• Laugh Out Loud Funny
• Character Building
What Reviewers are Saying: The marriage of J. Aday Kennedy's words and Jack Foster's illustrations make a magical combination and a delightful read. - Susan J. BergerIn this story of a Pegasus who is determined to change his klutzy ways, J. Aday Kennedy draws readers in with a charming and delightful story filled with characters they’ll love. I look forward to the next book in the Klutzy Kantor series. - Cheryl C. Malandrinos, The Children's and Teens' Book Connection
J. Aday is holding a contest to celebrate the release of Klutzy Kantor!
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